Edge App
Worked on the following applications using TypeScript, Express, and Couch for Edge during a one month internship:
– Rest Wallet demo, which implements an API for accessing a wallet on a web server
– Referral Manager tool for storing and sending payments owed to referral partners
– Reports GUI for storing transactions, which included a query engine that writes to the database, a rates engine to store the exchange rate at the time of the transaction, and several query functions to standardize transactions from various partners’ APIs

Edge Rest Wallet Github Link
Edge Referral Manager Github Link
Edge Reports GUI Github Link

Learn Students Website
In Progress: A fully functional website application for students attending Learn Academy with React on Rails. The application allows users to sign up using Devise or through OmniAuth with Github and study and manage vocabulary for each week.

Learn Students Github Link: React on Rails
Learn Students Website

Apartment Application
In Progress: An individual project using React on Rails that utilizes a user login through Devise. The application allows visitors to search through apartments listed with back and next buttons. The users are able to add or edit apartments through the application only when signed in.

Apartment App Github Link: React on Rails

Tic Tac Toe
A pair programming challenge to build a tic tac toe game through setting state and passing props to React components. A map through an array of winning combinations was used to set the state of a winner.

Tic Tac Toe Github Link: React

Treasure Hunt
A pair programming challenge to build a treasure hunt game through setting state and passing props to React components. A lifecycle method was used to create a random game board.

Treasure Hunt Github Link: React

Pig Latin Translator
First functional React application that translates any word or phrase into piglatin. The translation method splits the string into an array of words and maps, using conditionals to translate.

PigLatin Github Link: React